robin Code


A wrapper that makes writing JavaScript easy!

Getting Started

Getting Started

# Getting Started

Welcome to the robin documentation!

This course will guide you through everything you need to know on robin!

If you have any questions about robin, feel free to contact support or email me!


  • macOS 10.14 or later, Windows 10 or later, all Linux versions.


  • First, download robin. Once it's done, you can unzip it and store it on your Desktop.
  • If you haven’t already, download and set up Node.js, as this is what your robin code will be running on.
  • You can also optionally download VSCode, as robin will install extensions on your VSCode that makes writing in robin easier.
  • Once you’re done with downloading everything, open up your robin folder, and follow these steps:
    1. Open your Command Line or Terminal, and copy and paste
      cd Desktop/robin && sh (assuming you've stored the file on your Desktop), and click enter. It will take a few seconds, and after you get a message that says ‘robin is installed’, you can close your Terminal/Command line and delete the robin folder on your Desktop.

Running and creating a file

To create a file, you can type in robin create Desktop/index.robin. This will create a file called index.robin on your desktop. Now, you can right click the file and open it using your text editor, and type in code. Once you’re done, save the file and go back to your Command line.

Now, type in robin run Desktop/index.robin. This will run your file and give you an output.


Here is the syntax, functions and methods currently supported by robin.