Getting Started

Welcome to the robin documentation!

This course will guide you through everything you need to know on robin!

If you have any questions about robin, feel free to contact support or email me!



Running and creating a file

To create a file, you can type in robin create Desktop/index.robin. This will create a file called index.robin on your desktop. Now, you can right click the file and open it using your text editor, and type in your. code. Once you’re done, save the file (Ctrl+S) and go back to your Command line.

Now, type in robin run Desktop/index.robin. This will run your file and give you an output.

Auto Restart

Robin has a cool feature where, unlike other languages, you don’t have to keep typing robin run filename if you make any changes. You will only have to run the command once, and every time you save the file, it will restart automatically!


Here is the syntax, functions and methods currently supported by robin.

The Basics

Creating a variable

To create a variable, type in set variableName to variableValue
The following code will create a variable a with a value of 3:
set a to 3
You don’t have to store just numbers. You can store letters too!
For example,
set a to ‘Hello robin!’
You can even set it to true or false (boolean) values!
set isRobinCool to true

Printing to the console

This is how you can print text to the console using robin:
print ‘Hello robin!’ to the console

You can also print numbers, boolean values, and even variables:

print 43 to the console
print false to the console
set a to 'hey!'
print a to the console

You can also combine them all!

set a to 'hello'
print a + ' robin!'

The above code will print “hello robin!” to the console.

Sometimes, you may need to write additional text, which you don’t want to be executed when the code runs. You can use something called comments. This is how you use comments in robin:

 set a to 'hello' //this will create a variable a to the value 'hello' 

The text (this will… value ‘hello’) will not be run because it starts with //, which is ignored by robin.


robin has a few reserved words, or keywords, that are used by the compiler when it is run. For example, the word set is a robin keyword.
But what if you wanted to print the word set to the console?
You can add a caret (^) anywhere in the keyword, so that the word is ignored.
For example,

print 'I just s^et a variable!' to the console
//This will output: "I just set a variable!"

Since robin is in its earliest stages, this is one bug that makes writing in robin slightly more laborious than it should be, but I am working on a fix.


Here are the operators supported in robin:

Arithmetic Operators

All arithmetic operators start and end with a $ sign.

Additional Functions

There are a few other functions in robin which are also helpful:

If you wanted to round of a number from 1 to 4, as seen in the last example, you will have to do:

round off $get a number from $1 to 4$$

Relational Operators

Relational operators can help you compare two values. Here are all the relational operators in robin:

3 is greater than 4 //will output false

7 is lesser than 210 //will output true

20 is equal to 20 //will output true
8 is greater than or equal to 9 //will output false

9 is lesser than or equal to 9 //will output true

We will learn more about where we can use these in the next section.

If/Else Functions

If/Else statements can be used to compare two values, and then execute something based on the output of the comparison.
This is how you use an If function in robin:

if $1 is greater than 2$,
	print '1 > 2!' to the console

This will print “1 > 2” if the comparison is true. But 1 is lesser than 2, so this function would never execute. An Else function would help us get a value if it isn’t true:

if $1 is greater than 2$,
	print '1 > 2!' to the console
	print '2 > 1' to the console


What if you wanted to execute something after a delay?
In robin, you can do this:

create a delay of 5000 then //Delay time is in milliseconds
	print '5 seconds are up!' to the console


Functions are a way to keep code inside a container so you don’t have to repeatedly type in the code. They can also be called with a single line, anywhere in your file.
Here’s how you can create functions in robin:

create a function printHelloWorld which will
	print 'hello world!' to the console

To call the above function, type in,

start printHelloWorld please

What if you wanted to pass values into the function? For that, do:

create a function add which takes num1 and num2 then,
	print $add num1 and num2$ to the console

To call this function,

start add with values of $5 and 7$

Other cool features!

robin also has a few other cool features that other languages may not have.

Date and Time

Here are a few date and time related functions, with some examples:

print the time to the console //12:00:00
print the period to the console //AM or PM
print the second to the console //56
print the minute to the console //40
print the date to the console //3
print the day to the console //Monday
print the year to the console //2022
print the name of the month to the console //January
print the number of the month to the console //1

You can use these anywhere you would use variables, except for setting a value.


robin supports encryption too! It uses a slightly better version of an encoding specification called AES-256, called PidgonCrypt. To use it, type in:

print encrypt $'hello robin!'$ to the console

This would give out a value that looks like 8b3b6a81101b3afefb15229f12fe6ded3e3f19a4ba56c1a6d60f94b0c416dcc4

To decrypt a value, type in:

print decrypt $'9ae3abb363c2dfbb0efa87a34e306fe9'$ to the console

If (for some reason) you have encrypted your robin code with PidgonCrypt, you can execute the code by running robin run filename --secure

Text Servers

This is slightly advanced (and also , but robin allows you to host text in the form of html or plaintext on your machine’s localhost or IP. To use it, type in:

create a text server that says 'Some text' at port $3000$

If this code is executed, the text ‘Some text’ will be visible at http://localhost:3000.

Thank you for reading!